Today I realized my bill-paying-records notebook only went up through this current month, and, of course, I am receiving bills for next month already. This notebook is one I made. It's a three-ring binder that I customized. I made colorful cardstock pockets for the mail (bills), and printed pages for inbetween for each month. Each month page has 31 day number lines, and a "Month" with a line for filling in said month at the top of the page. For each due date, I fill in the amount and who it goes to. When I pay that (on-line mostly) I write in the confirmation number right on that line. That way I have my own record of paying the bill.
I decided to make the process more fun by adding tabs to the side of the pages, and stamping the month on the tab. I'll have to take pics to share.
So I filled out those tabs and stamps and glued them onto the month pages between the colorful pocket pages. Seriously. I need pics.
In other news, I've decided that this year I am ready to shed unwanted stuff that is filling up my cupboards, closets, and drawers. I am giving myself a year, and I am NOT including the attic in this process. The house is plenty challenging all by itself. I've started by emptying my makeup drawer into a bag to set aside for at least a week. I didn't sort through all the junk in the drawer, I just moved it. For someone like me, this is empowering. I had stuff like old credit cards, clothes pins, movie ticket stubs, and lotions and makeup in that drawer. Ridiculous. Now it's all in a bag, set aside, and I get to enjoy a tidy drawer with only the stuff I am regularly using in it. Once I get a week or two away from the crammed up drawer experience, I'll go through the bag.
I think it will be evident what to do with most of the stuff.
I'm excited to see what this year will bring.