It's been like, FOREVER since I've posted on this blog. I was thinking about it as I was pumping through my powerwalk this evening and lamenting the neglect of my current blog over at wordpress. I thought to myself, perhaps I could write regularly about creativity on my fancyscrapper.blogspot blog.
So, today I was only creative in the kitchen. Still, it counts as creativity in my book. I wanted to make Chicken Pot Pie the Pioneer Woman way (which is from scratch). If you've ever had experience in the restaurant world, you know servers can work odd and demanding hours. Charlie worked lunch until closing, and then he opened dinner. That translates into coming home around 3 and going back at 3:45. Food must be ready at quite specific times.
I put the chicken in the oven at the time I left to buy groceries for the remaining ingredients. I called Em and Sam as I headed home to tell them I'd need their help to pull it all together. They were awesome! I wish I had pics of them working hard to put away the groceries, and then help assemble the meal. Samantha made the pie crust in our Ninja (a glorified blender/food-processor), Emily gathered all the other ingredients, and I chopped like a fiend! Em got into it, and cooked the filling while I finished out the measuring of the spices and cream and got out the crockery to bake it in.
As it was, Mr. Handsome had to wait 20 minutes for his lunch, but he enjoyed it immensely.
Once that was done, there were a great deal of dishes to deal with. Rebekah worked with me to get them all washed. Not having a dishwasher has its draw-backs. We make do.
My power walk was waiting on me. I'd showered and dressed for it. I don't like bathing twice in a day--seems redundant--but some days, there's just no way around it. I'm determined to give my aging body every chance at health, and exercise is a part of that. Also, I'd spent part of the earlier day checking some fabric against a chair that was ripped at my favorite doctor's office. He's taken care of our family for years, and now he has an upholstery need that I can help HIM with! Beautiful! I'm so happy to be able to return some of the care and love he's given us. He said today that he'll bring the chair to my house Friday so I can repair it over the weekend. It took some time in an already time-crunched day, but relationships are worth that to me.
So I took my power walk (and beat my best time? Crazy!), and then helped my youngest purchase a tablet on Amazon before basking in an amazing hot tub with a book. It melted me. My Sweet firstborn read through her paper for school to me before submitting it. She's so good with words, I had only one suggestion to make on the paper. My Mr. Handsome came home, and I fixed us both salads for dinner.
Since he's home so late, it's quite time for bed now. So my creativity for today was making lunch, and making it in time. Go me!